Friday, August 28, 2020
PaÃÂses para obtener las visas H-2A y H-2B en 2019
Paã ses para obtener las visas H-2A y H-2B en 2019 Las visas H-2A y H-2B permiten a trabajadores extranjeros trabajar temporalmente en EE.UU. Para sacarlas es requisito irreplaceable ser ciudadano de determinados paã ses. Esta es la lista que aplica en 2019. Paã ses que permiten sacar las visas H-2a y H-2b A partir del 18 de enero de 2019, segã ºn ha publicado el Registro Federal de los Estados Unidos, y por validez de un aã ±o, los ciudadanos de 84 paã ses pueden beneficiarse de las visas H-2A que autorizan a trabajar temporalmente en labores agrã colas en EE.UU. Sin ban, solamente los nacionales de 81 paã ses pueden solicitar la visa H-2B, para desempeã ±ar labores temporales no agrã colas. En el listado que sigue a continuaciã ³n se listan los paã ses autorizados, con especificaciã ³n de los restringidos solamente a la visa H-2A. AlemaniaAndorraArgentinaAustraliaAustriaBarbadosBà ©lgicaBrasilBruneiBulgariaCanadChileColombiaCorea del SurCosta RicaCroaciaDinamarcaEcuadorEl SalvadorEslovaquiaEsloveniaEspaà ±aEstoniaFijiFinlandiaFranciaGranadaGreciaGuatemalaHolandaHondurasHungrà aIrlandaIsla Salomà ³nIslandiaIsraelItaliaJamaicaJapà ³nKiribatiLetoniaLichtensteinLituaniaLuxemburgoMacedoniaMadagascarMaltaMà ©xicoMoldavia (solamente visa H-2A)Mà ³nacoMongoliaMontenegroMozambiqueNauruNicaraguaNoruegaNueva ZelandaPanamPapà ºa Nueva GuineaParaguay (solamente visa H-2A)Perà ºPoloniaPortugalReino UnidoRepà ºblica ChecaRepà ºblica Dominicana (solamente visa H-2A)Rumanà aSamoaSan MarinoSerbiaSingaporeSt. Vincent y GranadinaSudfricaSueciaSuizaTailandiaTaiwnTimorTogoTurquà aTuvaluUcraniaUruguayVanuatu Entre las novedades de este aã ±o destacan, por un lado, la inclusiã ³n de Paraguay para las visas H-2A y, por otro, la exclusiã ³n de Repã ºblica Dominicana del listado de paã ses con visas H-2B. La inclusiã ³n de Paraguay fue justificada por el Departamento de Seguridad Interna (DHS, por sus siglas en inglã ©s) por el bajo porcentaje de paraguayos con visa que exceden el tiempo mximo autorizado de estancia en Estados Unidos y por la colaboraciã ³n del gobierno paraguayo en los casos de deportaciones o expulsiones de sus nacionales. Por el contrario, se ha excluido a Repã ºblica Dominicana de las visas H-2B por el alto porcentaje ââ¬superior al 30 por cientoââ¬de nacionales con esa visa que se quedaban en EE.UU. ms tiempo del autorizado. Las personas que por su nacionalidad estn excluidas de aplicar para estas visas pueden estar interesadas en considerar trabajar en un crucero, cuyas visas ââ¬C1/Dâ⬠no excluyen a ningã ºn paã s. Existen agencias con buena reputaciã ³n especializadas en emplear trabajadores extranjeros para cruceros y los salarios child superiores al salario mã nimo en EE.UU. Informaciã ³n bsica sobre las visas H-2A y H-2B Las dos visas child muy parecidas y brindan la posibilidad de trabajar temporalmente en Estados Unidos, la H-2A en agricultura y la H-2B en trabajos no agrã colas como pueden ser, por ejemplo, hoteles, ferias ambulantes conocidas como Carnivals o resorts. Para ambas visas es requisito imprescindible que un empleador estadounidense o una agencia intermediaria que trabaja con las empresas americanas inicien la tramitaciã ³n ya que deben obtener una certificaciã ³n del Departamento de Trabajo y la aprobaciã ³n del Servicio de Inmigraciã ³n y Ciudadanã a de los Estados Unidos (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglã ©s). Es decir, no se trata de que si una persona extranjera desea una de estas visas puede solicitarla en el consulado. En otras palabras, es imprescindible obtener bets un contrato por parte de una empresa estadounidense que es quien obtiene los permisos y quien pone en marcha la tramitaciã ³n bets las autoridades. Una vez iniciado este proceso ya se indicar al trabajador extranjero cundo debe presentarse a la embajada o al consulado de los Estados Unidos correspondiente para la entrevista para la visa. Cabe destacar que las empresas estadounidenses, aunque lo quisieran, no pueden contratar a tasks los trabajadores estacionales extranjeros para visas H-2B que quieran. Cada aã ±o financial puede concederse un mximo anual de 66,000 visas para esta categorã a, 33.000 child asignadas en la primera mitad del aã ±o monetary y las restantes en la segunda. Una vez que se llena el cupo no se pueden emitir ms visas en esta categorã a. Las excepciones child los trabajadores contratados por estos visados para trabajar en la industria de las huevas de pescado o aquellos que desempeã ±en servicios en Guam o en las Islas Marianas (territorios de los Estados Unidos en el Pacã fico). Sin ban, las visas H-2A no tienen lã mite anual y estn entre las que en los à ºltimos aã ±os han visto incrementar ms sus nã ºmeros. Los mexicanos child el 90 por ciento del complete de visas emitidas en esta categorã a y North Carolina Growers Association y Washington Farm Labor Association child los mayores patrocinadores. Adems, roughage el problema de los fraudes tanto en la visa H-2A como en la H-2B. Algunos patrones agnostic menos de lo que corresponde. Roughage que destacar que los extranjeros con estas visas agnostic impuestos y que tienen derecho a cobrar, al menos, el salario mã nimo. Otra fuente de problemas child algunas agencias, que pueden ser fraudulentas. Se recomienda verificar las opiniones y experiencias de otros trabajadores con la misma visa y en el caso de Mã ©xico checar este listado de ms de 60 reclutadoresâ para visas H-2A y H-2B. En algunos casos la organizaciã ³n sin balance de lucro Contratados es una buena fuente para verificar si una agencia o reclutador cumple lo que promete. Puntos Clave: paã ses visas H-2A y H-2B Las visas H-2A permiten trabajar temporalmente en agricultura en EE.UU.Las visas H-2B permiten trabajar temporalmente en trabajos no agrã colas en EE.UU. Roughage un lã mite anual de 66.000 visas que pueden ser emitidas para esta categorà a.Nà ºmero de paã ses cuyos nacionales pueden obtener una H-2A: 84Nà ºmero de paã ses cuyos nacionales pueden obtener una H-2B:81Paà ses hispanohablantes que pueden optar a la H-2A: Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Espaã ±a, Guatemala, Honduras, Mã ©xico, Nicaragua, Panam, Paraguay, Perã º, Repã ºblica Dominicana y Perà º.Paà ses hispanohablantes que pueden optar a la H-2B: los mismos que en el listado foremost excepto Paraguay y Repã ºblica Dominicana.Requisito key: que una empresa estadounidense inicie el proceso de los papeles directamente o a travã ©s de una agencia o reclutador. En ningã ºn caso el trabajador puede iniciar los trmites. Este artã culo es sã ³lo informativo. No es asesorã a lawful para ningã ºn caso concreto.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Pet food recall Essay
An ongoing review over the United States and Canada has pet proprietors in free for all. In excess of 60 million jars and pockets of pet food have been reviewed as they have been connected to 10 feline and 6 canine passings as of late. The maker sells food under 95 distinct brands, including Wal-Mart, Iams, and Safeway. Starting at yet the particular fixing connected to the pet passings has not been resolved. Hypothesis connects the liver disappointment of the felines to a wheat gluten fixing. The FDA said that wheat gluten itself would not cause liver disappointment, yet on the off chance that it was tainted with metal or shape poisons it could cause liver harm. The CEO of menu nourishments, Paul Henderson gave an announcement saying, ââ¬Å"Our hearts go out to the entirety of the pet proprietors across Canada, the United States and Mexico for any misfortunes they experience and surely for the concern this episode might be causingâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Company behind petâ⬠, 2007). Pet ownerââ¬â¢s desires when purchasing pet food are to keep their pets upbeat, sound, and very much took care of. A considerable lot of the items reviewed were fabricated under the best pet food names in the business. Pet proprietor Chris Wood says ââ¬Å"We love our pets simply like kids. They are not cautious enough with the fixings they put in pet food. Thatââ¬â¢s scaryâ⬠(Molina, 2007). Petââ¬â¢s are associates that ownerââ¬â¢s have a profound obligation to think about. Suggestions brought about by this review incorporate concern for oneââ¬â¢s pet, finding another brand of food not produced by menu nourishments, and in the more awful case situation losing oneââ¬â¢s pet to liver disappointment. The concern alone is requiring some serious energy and vitality from pet proprietors over the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Pet proprietors are restoring the reviewed food as well as are avoided potential risk that cost a great deal of cash to guarantee the wellbeing and prosperity of their pets. A veterinarian at the Animal Medical Center on the East Side of Manhattan, Dr. Ann Hohenhaus, said one feline kicked the bucket there throughout the few days of kidney disappointment connected to the reviewed food. Hohenhaus said the Animal Medical Center has tried 143 creatures for renal disappointment since stressed pet pro prietors began taking their felines and pooches in for blood and pee tests on Saturday (March eighteenth, 2007)â⬠(Mathews, 2007). Retailers are taking all measures to console pet proprietors. After the review ââ¬Å"PetSmart head supervisor Gary Brown stated, ââ¬ËEverything on our racks is 100 percent ok for your petââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ (Molina, 2007). Petsmart is offering a full discount on all food bought between December 3-March 6. A Long Island family whose multi year old bull mastiff, Princess, passed on because of the review are suing Menu Foods. Princess ate only Nutro Foods every last bit of her life and died from liver disappointment. The family is totally crushed by their misfortune. The family recorded a claim ââ¬Å"Wednesday against Nutro and maker Menu Foods. The claim, recorded in state Supreme Court in Nassau County, looks for vague compensatory and reformatory harms, said Bobbââ¬â¢s lawyer, Kenneth Mollinsâ⬠(Mathews, 2007). Regularly customers put a lot of research and energy into items they buy. At the point when a purchaser makes a buy they expected the producer is offering an item that will be good and fulfill guidelines. Menu nourishments switched to another provider for wheat gluten. As of the March 6, 2007 gave review Mend Foods has by and by changed its wheat gluten flexibly and is by and by loading racks with premium pet food. Menu Foods expects misfortunes of 24-60 million dollars for this review and claims that will win because of the debased pet food.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Emergency Management for Queens, New York free essay sample
This paper distinguishes potential calamities in the Borough of Queens and crisis the board methodology. This paper presents an assessment of potential unforeseen catastrophes that could impact the New York Borough of Queens and crisis systems which would should be taken. Potential issues referenced incorporate the ethnic wealth, fear targets, air crashes, cataclysmic events and extraordinary temperatures. The creator talks about strategies which ought to be taken for every one of these catastrophes and stresses the requirement for debacle arranging. While reflecting upon the right methodology to seek after in case of a crisis, it is essential to be aware of the particular kinds of dangers that may be bound to confront a specific region. Contingent upon the area and the idea of the zones geography, a specific territory might be bound to endure crisis circumstances with regular causes, human causes, and innovative causes than different zones. New York City, as a result of the occasions of September eleventh, has woken up to the fundamental techniques one must take in case of surprising calamities. We will compose a custom article test on Crisis Management for Queens, New York or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Nonetheless, the crisis systems of the external precincts of the City have not generally gone under equivalent examination as the crisis methodology of lower Manhattan. Along these lines it is essential to survey the potential crises that may burden one of New York Citys precincts. In this specific case spotlight will be on the sorts of issues destined to burden the district of Queens.
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Best College Writing and Essay Topics
<h1>Best College Writing and Essay Topics</h1><p>There are numerous interesting points while picking the best school composing and paper themes for school. One of the most troublesome difficulties is that your article must incorporate a specific scholastic theme and you need to remember that point for request to get acknowledged into the school. The points are recorded underneath, and there are numerous different kinds of subjects and recommendations that can be used.</p><p></p><p>Writing a reaction to a test will be one of the most straightforward to achieve. This is particularly obvious if the inquiry that has been posed was very explicit. It could be a related incidental data question. In the event that it has a general thought that can be expounded on, it very well may be useful to fuse that data into the paper. For instance, if it somehow happened to state, 'How would you cook a chicken?'</p><p></p><p>You can take the general diagram of how to make a chicken and compose an article about the various kinds of chicken bosoms, and afterward you can name them and their specific parts. This would be an incredible method to think of thoughts for challenges article themes that don't expect you to truly buckle down. Nonetheless, there is nothing amiss with buckling down. It is simply going to expect you to use a greater amount of your cerebrums than your composing skills.</p><p></p><p>Another incredible test for composing an exposition is one that is to some degree general thought related. It doesn't need to be a confounded thought; it tends to be something as basic as asking yourself an inquiry that you can reply in a couple of sentences. For instance, if the inquiry that was posed was, 'What is a raccoon?'</p><p></p><p>The reason this is a good thought is that it gives you a lot of room to think. It is a typical practice to utilize sentences that are three or four words in length. Your concern is that when you think for longer than three or four words, your cerebrum rests. The utilization of short sentences will really assist your mind with staying conscious and will expand your review of the thoughts that you came up with.</p><p></p><p>A testing difficulties exposition points will likewise need to manage difficulties and changes. The primary issue with any school paper is that it is most likely going to change at any rate once in the center of the procedure. Difficulties can be excessively confused for certain understudies, so they don't work.</p><p></p><p>One simple methodology is to expound on the hardest pieces of the progressions that you needed to experience in your life. This could be the departure of a friend or family member, a mishap, or a significant clash with a relative. It doesn't need to be anything excessively troublesome, yet it must be personal.</p><p> </p><p>Very troublesome articles ordinarily expect issues to tackle in the exposition itself. It will likewise expect you to make sense of an answer or strategies to an issue. The best sorts of issues are questions that are straightforwardly associated with the course of study that you are taking. These kinds of issues don't need to be mind boggling; they simply must be sufficiently general to address your school composing and article topics.</p>
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